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What does the ROI look like for an AutoGate?

For an Automated Gate there are three main factors that play an important role in the ROI. Increased capacity, Improved productivity and reduced costs. Read how these factors contribute to the ROI of an Automated Gate in the blog.

How does deploying an AutoGate increase terminal capacity?

Automated gate solutions help streamline the gate process by reducing human errors, speed up the vehicle inspection process, and strengthen the security at the entrance of a terminal. More information can be found in the blog on this topic.

Do I need to identify the driver with an AutoGate?

Yes, International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) requires container terminals to keep track of every visitor that enters the facility. The CERTUS Automated Gate offers many components that help to identify visitors. Learn more about this topic in the blog.

Does the AutoGate contribute to your environmental objectives?

Congestion generates the highest CO2 emission. Imagine what hundreds of trucks waiting at your gate will do to your company’s emissions. With an AutoGate your gate operations are more efficient, waiting times decrease and CO2 emissions reduce.

What level of redundancy do I need in my AutoGate?

Usually redundancy has no priority, especially since the CERTUS AutoGate is developed to be operational 24/7. All components and the system architecture are designed for this purpose. A defect in one lane will not impact the complete gate.


What features do I need on an OCR Portal?

Our OCR software captures data in only seconds. But what data should it capture? This completely depends on the preferences of the customer. We can program the software to our customer’s needs. Read the blog about the most common features.

Do I need speedbumps/curbs at my OCR Portal?

Trucks tailgating behind each other can block the view of the cameras. Therefore it is advisable to deploy speed bumps or curbstones  in cases where traffic separation is needed. Both options will slow down the driver and create distance between the trucks.

How many OCR Portals do I need?

Since every Gate OCR Portal has a theoretical capacity of over 250 trucks per hour, is seems an easy calculation. However, the truck volume is not the best counsel for the amount of portals to deploy at your container terminal; The gate design is. Read the different scenario’s in the blog


How much time does it take to install Crane OCR?

With the CERTUS project approach, interference to the operational flow is minimal. A single Crane can be equipped within one workweek and can be done in parallel with regular maintenance. CERTUS will train local resources on the job during installation.

What is the benefit of an Automated Hand-off?

CERTUS Crane OCR system supports identification of the Terminal Tractor ID. Major benefit is that the terminal tractor can leave faster from the berth, increasing the overall productivity. The OCR system instantly confirms the transaction to the terminal operating system.

What features to select on Crane OCR?

This mostly depends on the type of container terminal and whether it is mostly transshipment or import/export. Most common features are Container Code, ISO Code, Terminal Tractor ID, 5 sides Damage Images, Hazardous Label recognition and Seal detection.

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