Gate OCR Portal

The OCR technology by CERTUS has been implemented in dozens of terminals around the world and adopted by various governmental programs and port authorities. All systems employ state-of-art cameras, solid-state illumination and powerful OCR engines. These systems have consistently demonstrated high reliability and overall high OCR accuracy.

The performance of an OCR engine is critically dependent on the image-capturing sub-system. The image-capturing units must include an optical and illumination solution to produce images of the container ID number with sufficient quality (focus, resolution, contrast, and uniformity), under all operating and ambient conditions (sunlight, sun glare, night time, adverse weather conditions and dirt-covered numbers).

OCR image capturing

The system scans the ID numbers while the truck is in motion, based on a set of sensors. It automatically operates the illumination, takes pictures from a number of cameras, extracts the ID numbers, classifies the type of containers, verifies the results, then outputs the results to a higher platform such as our Port Automation & Control System (PASS) or a local TOS.

Damage Images by CERTUS Gate OCR portal.

Discover our OCR features


No Canopy

The OCR portal by CERTUS can stand in the open and does not require any canopy whatsoever while still guaranteeing high performance. Extreme high or low temperatures pose no problem. For extreme weather conditions or installations that require  vandal proof (installations outside the facility perimeters) equipment, we have developed the unique Concept Gantry where any camera equipment is installed inside a gantry.

CERTUS Gate OCR Portal being installed in the Gate lane at Port of Algeciras.

Lean design

The lean design results in a minimal footprint of only 6,2 meters width (pole to pole). In case reduced space is available, the portals can be placed staggered so that even less space is required. As such, the space is optimally used. Other key features include:

  • Can stand out in the open with no canopy required
  • Guaranteed OCR accuracy rate (even without canopy)
  • Drive-through, supports truck speeds up to 50 km/h
  • Fast processing time; output available in seconds
  • Supports all different container types and truck combinations
  • Designed with multiple redundancy levels
  • No proprietery components used
  • Output of high resolution images
  • Most reliable triggering system
  • Cost efficient base model, with various additional features
  • Environment friendly by low power consumption
  • Smallest foot print available in the market
  • Seamless interaction and integration with the local TOS or other host system

In combination with Driver Kiosks, Traffic Control Equipment and our PASS Navigator GOS, CERTUS provides seamless integrated Automated Gate Systems, operational at various sites around the globe.

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Where to deploy an OCR Portal?

What features do I need on an OCR Portal?

How many OCR Portals do I need?

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