Ports & Terminals

Immediate insights in your terminal transactions.

CERTUS’ solutions focus on optimizing  transactions by automatically identifying containers, people, truck missions equipment activity. The result is increased accuracy and velocity of the transactions resulting in higher throughput and improved container inventory accuracy.  Other benefits include:

  • Increased capacity by using land as efficiently as possible. Truck parking facilities require large pieces of land and tends to be pricy. By keeping trucks on the move in the Gate process, capacity increases.
  • Improve productivity through the elimination of data input and/or task confirmations. Operators can introduce error and are potentially prone to data entry errors.
  • Centralized control over exceptions that occur from the automatic processing of trucks. Exception handling desks can be combined and are equipped with all necessary tools to solve any irregularities in the process.
  • Improved “truck-turn-around-times” thereby loosing as little time as possible while at the terminal.
  • Safer operations since no clerks are required in Gate lanes or below heavy equipment to check transactions because all data capture of transactions is automatic.

We have automation solutions for:

Gate operations

The CERTUS’ Automated Gate Solution provides far-reaching benefits to cargo facilities, terminals, port authorities and truck parking facilties. The solution is based on automatic processing of trucks arriving at cargo facilities like container terminals, cargo depots and airport depots. The principle is enablement of processing the truck without having the drivers come out of their truck and enabling “Driver-Self-Service”  facilities.

Within Gate automation, truck data will be captured automatically and trucks are guided through a specific process, passing pedestals and screens. A unique key is required to know which truck is in which Gate lane and to be able to match captured data with (pre) registered data. This key is entitled the “truck-visit-identifier” and can either be an RFID tag, an access control badge, the truck license plate or better; the combination of all as every has its own benefit.

Crane operations

Using multiple OCR cameras at strategic locations depending on required system output and type of operations, every STS Crane transactions is automatically recorded and reported to the TOS. For every container that passes by, the cameras capture multiple images from which details like the number, ISO code as well as additional details like Door Direction and hazardous material labels are extracted. The output is matched against the discharge/loading list, thereby making it possible to automate the inspection tasks. In case of any mismatch, an exception is raised real-time, via which a central exception handling clerk is able to correct or add details. Should there be any items left that cannot be automated with technology (such as seal number registration) human intervention would be required to operate a hand held device displaying instructions dispatched by CERTUS software.

Yard operations

Yard Inventory control is intended to assure accurate matching of containers to yard slots or to container handling equipment. In addition it can visualise terminal equipment in the yard. The system will allow to track the exact position of the container at all times and confirm each transition (pick-up/delivery) event automatically. This effectively eliminates the need for operator input, thereby increasing productivity and stack accuracy.

Rail operations

The standard solution consists of identification and classification systems like deployed for Crane- & Gate automation. By means of OCR portals, the containers on rail cars are identified when arriving, and track split ups can be managed. The captured OCR results can be used to inspect the inbound train as well, or a process can be put in place where containers are inspected during the rail operations using OCR on RTG/RMG crane.

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