By: Majorie van Leijen
Think of it as a copy machine. Linescan technology scans the moving vehicle as it passes through a gate. From above and from both sides a camera scans the object line by line. The result: a high quality image of not only one part, but the entire vehicle.
What is linescan imaging?
As the name suggests, the technology captures an image by scanning multiple lines at a very fast rate – up tp 70,000 lines per second. Each line is 2000 pixels long, producing very detailed images of 2000 pixels height by any length required.
Whereas an area scan produces a picture of a single area, the linescan results in an image of the entire object. In the case of a truck, the whole truck is precisely reflected on the final result. In the case of a train, the whole train is visible.
LINESCAN CAMERA: Captures pixels line by line
AREASCAN CAMERA: Captures all pixels in a block
The portfolio of CERTUS includes both area scans and line scans. Area scans could, in theory, be used to create an image as described above, but it would require stitching together various images, taken of various areas. This is however not advisable when these images are used to discuss a damage claim, as a raw, original image would be preferred over a processed image.
The linescan image is not only showing the entire object, but it is also incredibly precise. So precise that every dent, scratch or hole can be seen. And this is where linescan adds its value. When you are looking for damages, the linescan proves its worth. The image will be a reliable source for insurance claims, for damage inspection, for detecting irregularities, etc. The resolution is very high. It is full of detail and correct in color.
And the amount of information is endless. It is after the linescan is made that the images are sent to the AI agent. Here, the information is collected. There are unlimited parameters that can be gathered from the scan. In the case of damage, AI models are trained to look for certain abnormalities. The quality of the reports that result from this will increase on a regular basis as more objects are scanned and the model is retrained continuously.
Linescan and trains
CERTUS took the technology out in the open. As soon as it was proven successful to determine damages in trucks, it was applied to trains as well. Last year a pilot was carried out, this year the first project will be launched. CERTUS will apply linescan to its Rail OCR product.
In rail this is very new. There are challenges to be overcome. Outdoors there are certain factors that need to be addressed, mainly weather conditions such as sandstorms, snow, rain or various lighting conditions such as dawn, nightfall, direct sunlight, nightfall etc. But these are challenges that can be overcome.
One of the main advantages is that in the case of a linescan, an actual picture can be handed over to the customer afterwards, whereas AI usually works with live video. Images that can be sent and shared can prove to be a useful source of information. With AI getting smarter by the day, the reports are getting better and better. For CERTUS, linescan technology is the way to move forward.