CERTUS supplies all types of traffic control equipment like barriers, traffic lights, lane signage, bill boards and sensors. A combination of these components make it possible to guide trucks through a facility, following dedicated process steps. This ensures a efficient traffic flow, even in case of queuing. Should a large amount of trucks be counted at a specific process point, those trucks can be queued at a previous process point by holding barriers closed. All equipment is effectively integrated through the Port Automation & Security System (PASS), thereby making it possible to monitor the status and control any component remotely.
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Lane Signage & Bill Boards
When it is required to dynamically direct trucks to specific areas (e.g. based on a tag read when driving, an exception occurs, or when it is required to inform a larger group of truck drivers), lane signage and bill boards may be applied. Lane Signage may be deployed in order to indicate from a distance, which lane to select. Typically, this is only necessary in case various types of lanes are dynamically used, e.g. different types of trucks, or for lanes used in different types of directions.